Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec malesuada lorem maximus mauris scelerisque, at rutrum nulla dictum. Ut ac ligula sapien. Suspendisse cursus faucibus finibus.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cons ectetur adipiscing elit. Donec males uada lorem maximus mauris sceler isque, at rutrum nulla.
Gastroscopy is a test to check the inside of your throat, food pipe, and stomach, known
A colonoscopy is a test used to look for changes - such as swelling, inflamed tissue,
Upper endoscopy is one type of procedure to examine the upper part of the
Gastroesophageal reflux (GERD) results from failure of the normal antireflux barrier of
Liver biopsy is one type of procedure to remove a small piece of liver tissue. It can be
Chronic pancreatitis is an inflammation of your pancreas that does not improve over
My brother was suffering from gastric pain for the last 6 months. After visiting many Doctors and lots of tests it's not curing and can't detect the root cause. But Dr. Pankaj Bharali’s positive attitude and proper guidance made it easy and now my brother’s health is good. Thanks, Sir for your treatment. Highly Recommended.
Partha Ghosh,web Desighner
Dr. Pankaj Bharali is really the best Doctor. He is very knowledgeable and polite. We are very happy with his treatment.
Partha Ghosh,web Desighner
Amazing experience with Doctor Pankaj Bharali. I was so worried about my sister's treatment but Dr. Bharali’s positive attitude and proper guidance made it easy. Highly Recommended.
Partha Ghosh,web Desighner